Hometown: Loma, Colorado
Major: Agriculture Education
Anticipated Date of Graduation: December 2021
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
I chose to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln because of its ALEC program and the opportunity to grow my network in a different state than Colorado.
What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
Aside from the dairy store, my favorite things about Nebraska are the students and staff that I have met while here!! My time as a CASNR student and ambassador have led me to meet wonderful people who care about me as an individual and are interested in my success. Going to school 11 hours away from home was a large step, however, the students and staff here have welcomed me with open arms. The network of people I have surrounded myself with has helped me strive for excellence. It is also a perk that Nebraska has the best college football atmosphere around!
How has diversity and inclusive excellence played a role in your CASNR experience?
The topic of diversity and inclusive excellence has played a large role in my CASNR experience in ways that I didn’t think of before coming here. While on east campus I have met students from all over the country- the world even- that are taking the same classes as I am. Diversity in CASNR goes deeper than just geographically, the wide array of majors represented on east campus extends from forensic science to PGA golf management to horticulture. As an education major, we discuss that in our own future classrooms we will teach students from all aspects of life and we are taught how to celebrate diversity in the future as educators.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
My favorite class has been Animal Management 250 because I know that someday I will be teaching similar material to my students in the high school setting. Dr. Reiling did a great job and you could tell that he was excited and enthusiastic in class everyday.
What are your plans post-graduation?
After graduation I plan on teaching agriculture to high school students.
What’s life like outside of school?
My life outside of school consists of creating networks within the livestock/agriculture industry or finding the best coffee shops to study in!