Hometown: Cleburne, Texas
Major: Agricultural Economics: Livestock Industry with a minor in Engler
Anticipated Date of Graduation: May 2025
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
I decided on UNL because when I did my college visit, I fell in love with the home feeling that Lincoln gives me. Another deciding factor is the number of opportunities that UNL offers and all the open doors.
What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
My favorite thing about the university is all the involvement opportunities and how much the staff cares about your success and who you get connected with to help you through your life.
What about diversity and inclusion is important to you when you think about your CASNR experience?
I think that everyone at college should have the same opportunities that I have to express themselves and share their thoughts and opinions through the work that we do.
Exposure to cultural differences is a huge part of college. What activity have you recently participated in that is different from what you are use to in your culture? This could be something you read, listened to, watched, eaten or otherwise taken part in. What did you learn from this activity?
I came from a very small private school with about 500 students in Kindergarten through 12th grade, so going to a big university was a huge culture shock for me. I learned that I am more of a small-town person and, although I love all the connections I have made, I do better with less people around me or by myself.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
My favorite class was the 101 class for the Engler Program because it showed me that I can be and do anything that I put my mind to, and I did just that by starting a small business with my mom.
What are your plans post-graduation?
My post-college plans are starting a little sooner than expected because I will be moving to Tennessee in August to open a storefront for my small business, and I will be finishing my degree online. I also aspire to help others start their own businesses because you need as much support as possible to make it happen.
What’s life like outside of school?
My life outside of school is consumed with working on marketing for my business, fishing and running around town capturing the beauty with photography.