Hometown: Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Major: Doctorate in Agronomy and Horticulture, Specialization in Plant Pathology
Anticipated Date of Graduation: December 2020
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
Professor Sydney Everhart had an amazing research project on fungicide resistance that drew me to UNL. In retrospect, it was one of the best life decisions I made.
What is your favorite thing about University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
I really like the UNL community; passionate, thoughtful, and welcoming. Go huskers!
How has diversity and inclusive excellence played a role in your CASNR experience?
I have always felt valued and accepted, which has helped me to give my best in coursework, research and outreach. My interaction with the diverse community at CASNR has broadened my perspective and given me a deeper sense of belonging.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
My favorite course was PLPT 867: plant associated microbes. I was able to learn various laboratory techniques used in plant pathology such as identifying unknown fungi and bacteria, producing C/N mutants and yeast-two hybrid screening. This course broadened my knowledge about plant pathology and enhanced my technical skills.
What are your plans post-graduation?
I will join Professor Katie Gold's lab at Cornell University as a postdoctoral researcher. I will use proximal hyperspectral sensing to detect fungicide efficacy and activity in grapevine. This research will enhance grapevine protection against powdery mildew and downy mildew.
What’s life like outside of school?
I like to explore nature trails and play board games with friends.
Nikita has also received the following scholarships: the I.E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium Award, the CROPS-PSI Travel Award, the Victor M. Rediger Graduate Travel Award, the Goss Memorial Scholarship, the John F. Schafer and Stuart D. Lyda Joint Student Travel Award, the Milton E. Mohr Biotechnology Fellowship, the Graduate Student Travel Award, the First Place (team) at Datapalooza in the ‘Best use of external data’ category, the Larrick and Whitmore Travel Award, the Widaman Distinguished Graduate Assistant Fellowship, the Donald E. Munnecke Student Travel Award, and the Winner of Creative Activities Poster Session at Spring Graduate Research Fair.