December 9, 2021

Symposium provides youth with leadership skills and career opportunities in beef industry

High school students from Nebraska, Arizona, Kansas and Minnesota participated in the 17th annual Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium on Nov. 17-19 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Lincoln, Neb. —The 17th annual Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium was held Nov. 19-21 at the University of Nebraska Lincoln's Animal Science Complex.

The symposium connected youth from across Nebraska and beyond to introduce them to career opportunities and current issues in the beef industry, as well as offer education and practice in the use of leadership skills. Forty-three high school students from Nebraska and three additional states including Arizona, Kansas and Minnesota were in attendance this year. Since 2004, 680 students have participated in the event. “This was the 17th year that we have hosted NYBLS on campus, and it continues to be one of the youth events the participants look forward to the most every year,” said Alli Raymond, Animal Science Recruitment Coordinator. “The symposium is a way to broaden horizons for its participants and grow the beef industry through young people.”  

Eight $500 scholarships from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources were presented. Scholarship recipients include: Jaylea Pope, Ravenna; Dustin Andreason, St. Edward; Helene Keiser, Gothenburg; Rasine Bolek, Alliance; Noah Summers, Gibbon; Haley Mouser, Tenstrike, MN; Braden Benes, Albion; and Emily Samuelson, Palmer.  

This year, the symposium began with acclimating students to the beef industry. Attendees kicked off the symposium with an introduction to the beef industry from Bryan Reiling, associate professor of livestock production and management. After, participants had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals with programming related to beef production, carcass value and breakdown, beef palatability and flavor, nutritional value and food safety.  

Brianna Buseman, youth meat animal Extension assistant professor, gives a carcass value breakdown to youth participants.   

The symposium continued with interactive programming for youth to enhance their leadership and communication skills, increasing their understanding of beef. To understand their leadership styles, youth completed the Clifton StrenghsFinder Assessment and applied their individual strengths to the team-based project. Teams of participants were tasked with creating a beef entrée or appetizer suitable for being served at a Lincoln restaurant. They collaborated with a professional chef and UNL meat scientists to ideate and develop their culinary masterpiece. 

On the final day of the symposium, youth participants showcased the leadership skills and knowledge of the beef industry that they gained. In addition to creating a culinary masterpiece, they learned marketing strategies from a marketing professional and developed a plan to market their product. Undergraduate students served as group leaders and Meat Science graduate students assisted the students with executing their projects. The groups were then able to present their marketing plan and receive critiques from judges.  

Because of Nebraska’s strong ties to beef production, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln serves as a fitting location to prepare the next generation in the beef industry, Raymond said.  

“Nebraska is known as the beef state, and there a lot of people passionate about the industry in this state. The future of the beef industry is in good hands with the youth that we’ve seen come through this program over the years,” said Raymond.  

The NYBLS Planning Committee team members consisted of: Ashley Benes, Brianna Buseman, Blaine French, Alli Raymond, Bryan Reiling and Gary Sullivan.  

For more information, contact Alli Raymond at