Lincoln, Neb. —Allison Barg and Grace Schuster have been selected for the 2022 William L. Baxter scholarship from the Nebraska chapters of Pheasants Forever, Inc. and Quail Forever. They received their awards during Pheasant Fest, held in March in Omaha.
The scholarship is open to students nationwide, although priority goes to those who are conducting work in the Midwest region. Both Allison and Grace are doctoral students in the Applied Wildlife Ecology and Spatial Movement (AWESM) lab within the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's School of Natural Resources.
Allison’s research focuses on identifying and prioritizing pheasant habitat throughout Nebraska, while Grace’s research examines conservation strategies for grassland bird communities within bioenergy crop production systems.
To learn more about Allison and Grace's research, visit the AWESM lab website at go.unl.edu/awesm or follow the AWESM lab on social media @awesmlab.