Lincoln, Neb. — Joe Canny, PGA Certified Professional and alum of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln PGA Golf Management Program, is returning to UNL as a PGA Professional-in-Residence at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
Canny brings a diverse portfolio to his new role with UNL’s PGA Golf Management Program.
Canny attended UNL’s PGA Golf Management Program, graduating in December of 2009. Following graduation, he moved to Florida for a position with the PGA of America. In 2014, he returned to Nebraska and began working with the Nebraska PGA, where he was instrumental in leading consumer activation events, recruitment and national promotions.
In 2017, Canny was hired by the City of Lincoln to spearhead its player development programs for the five municipal golf courses and grew player development among both youth and adult platforms. Canny also worked to reach diverse populations of golfers through organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, Lighthouse, Lincoln Parks and Recreation, the Salvation Army and Big Brothers and Sisters of the Heartland. He has won numerous awards for his work.
At UNL, Canny will focus on enrollment efforts of the PGA Golf Management program while also working to strengthen the connection between the UNL and the Nebraska PGA. In addition, he will work to build a greater regional presence of the program through strategic recruitment strategies, while elevating the image and awareness of golf professionals. Canny will work closely with neighboring PGA sections in educating and recruiting diverse populations to the Golf Management Program. In addition, Canny will leverage an alumni base that is eager and excited to help recruit the best and brightest into the profession.
“This is an excellent opportunity for our PGA Golf Management Program, and we look forward to Joe's involvement and efforts in expanding our recruitment efforts in attracting the best students to our degree program here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” said Tiffany Heng-Moss, dean of UNL’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
For Canny, the position represents an opportunity to return to the place where he began his professional path and to use the skills and connections he has developed in decade since he graduated.
“It’s wonderful to return to my alma mater, and I’m looking to forward to every aspect of this position, particularly to strengthening our ties and collaborations with the Nebraska PGA Section, our program alumni, and the surrounding golfing community,” Canny said.
The position was made possible through a partnership among Terry Riordan, the first director of UNL’s PGA Golf Management program, his wife, Judy Riordan, the Nebraska Section PGA, and CASNR.
“We’re thrilled by this partnership and the potential it has to strengthen UNL’s PGA Golf Management program, as well as Nebraska’s golf industry as a whole,” said David Honnens, CEO of the Nebraska Section PGA.