May 12, 2015

UNL Animal Science Department Appoints New Student Ambassadors

May 12, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln animal science department has appointed two new student ambassadors for the 2015-16 academic year.  

After interviews with department faculty and senior ambassadors, two students were selected from eight applicants: junior Railen Ripp of Kearney and sophomore Liza Christensen of Lincoln.

The new ambassadors will join second-year ambassadors senior Curtis Wetovick of Fullerton and junior Ashley Buescher of Lawrence.

The ambassadors will interact with prospective animal science students by visiting high schools and attending UNL admissions events. 

Each ambassador will also plan one recruitment activity per year, such as the animal science experience. The activity allows high school and transfer students to get an overview of the animal science department, attend a class, eat lunch in the East Campus dining hall and participate in fun activities such as a tour of Memorial Stadium.

"It's a good opportunity for them to get to East Campus and actually see what life is like here in the department and as a college student," said Alli Raymond, animal science admissions coordinator. "Through planning and participating in these activities, the student ambassadors benefit not only the university, but themselves as well."

The program, started in 1999, selects two animal science majors as ambassadors each year. Students receive a $2,000 scholarship ($500 each semester) and serve for two years. For more information, visit

Alli Raymound
Animal Science Department