April 23, 2014

UNL's Lindsay Adamson Sits Second in National Break-Away-Roping Rankings

April 23, 2014

LINCOLN, Neb. — Lindsay Adamson had something extra to celebrate following her win this past weekend at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Rodeo April 18-19 at the Lancaster Event Center.

Following the event, as a part of the Great Plains Region National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, Adamson found herself sitting second nationally in break-away-roping.

Adamson, a business management major from Cody, won the first round of the event. Then, in the finals, she placed second, making her first overall, earning 170 points of the 180 possible, for the weekend.

"While the second place position in the national standings is exciting; the fact Lindsay took over first place in the Great Plains Region is arguably most important," said University of Nebraska Rodeo Association Advisor Jamie Bauman.  "She's definitely in a great position to earn a spot to the College National Finals Rodeo to be held in Casper, Wyo., in June."

The top three cowgirls and cowboys in each event earn a berth to the national contest.

There are three rodeos left in the 10-rodeo season. The UNL Rodeo Team travels to Spearfish, S.D. this weekend. Next week the team will be in Hastings at a rodeo hosted by Hastings College, followed by the last rodeo of the season hosted by Dickinson State University, in Dickinson, N.D. May 9-10.

Bump Kraeger
UNL Rodeo Club Coach
Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service