January 24, 2024

Upcoming Nebraska BQA Workshop, Guest Speaker John Cook

Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance

This free, educational workshop on February 24 features a Certified Angus Beef ® brand lunch, giveaways and Optional YQCA training for kids.

Lincoln, Neb. —All Nebraska cattle producers and their families are invited to Certified Angus Beef’s Nebraska BQA Workshop on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024, at the Ball Room at Round the Bend Steakhouse’s in Ashland. Nebraska Volleyball coach John Cook will provide the keynote address for this year’s workshop.

The event will kick off with an optional Youth Quality Care for Animals (YQCA) training at 10 a.m. YQCA is a requirement for all youth exhibiting beef, sheep, swine, goats, dairy, rabbits or poultry in Nebraska 4H and FFA. The workshop, featuring speakers and lunch, will begin at 11 a.m., with a slate of expert speakers to follow. Youth participating in the YQCA event are encouraged to stay for the full workshop.

“Each speaker selected will bring science-based, valuable information to produce a quality, safe and wholesome beef product that the everyday consumer can be confident in and enjoy with their families,” says Jesse Fulton, director of Nebraska BQA. 

Even if producers are already BQA certified, they may still attend and choose to recertify or keep their current certification.

The event will conclude at 3:15 p.m. with Cook’s remarks and a meet-and-greet with UNL volleyball players. Participating in the BQA workshops is required to hear Cook speak and participate in the meet-and-greet. 

For more information and to register for this event, producers can visit https://go.unl.edu/cabbqa or call 308-632-1230.

The event is made possible through the latest Certified Angus Beef (CAB) and Sysco partnership. In 2023, CAB and Sysco launched a cattle care partnership and a new campaign, Raised with Respect. This campaign leans into the decades old practices of cattle care to tell a stronger ranch story to Sysco's customers in a way that builds confidence and trust in high-quality beef.

“Certified Angus Beef supports BQA because it’s a credible and effective way for producers to communicate animal welfare to people on the opposite end of the beef supply chain,” said. Bruce Cobb, CAB executive vice president of production. “By building trust with this segment and consumers, we can help secure the strong beef demand we’ve been experiencing into the future.”

More information on Raised with Respect™ can be found at www.cabcattle.com/RaisedWithRespect.
