June 7, 2022

WallSpace LNK to feature Frenzen photo art

 Emily Frenzen

“Gospel” is the title of Emily Frenzen’s photography gallery that tells the story of walking through darkness to living in the Light. The gallery features 40 images of landscapes, portraits, and moments of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new life that followed.

Lincoln, Neb. —“Gospel” is the title of Emily Frenzen’s photography gallery that tells the story of walking through darkness to living in the Light. The gallery features 40 images of landscapes, portraits, and moments of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new life that followed. “In my experience, as trials lead me to know greater love, suffering becomes a powerful gift,” said Emily.

The gallery display will open as part of Lincoln's First Friday Artwalks in June. The space will be open to the public every Thursday-Saturday from 12-5 p.m. for the remainder of June at WallSpace LNK (1624 S 17th Street Suite C Lincoln, NE 68502).

“When I was putting this collection together, the problem was never a lack of ideas–I created three different variations,” said Emily. “I told my former professor, Mike Farrell, that I was struggling to come up with a title for the show the week we finished printing. He asked if I knew what got me out of the darkness and into the light. I knew right away. So, I introduce to you: Gospel.”

Emily grew up on a family farm near Fullerton, Nebraska, curious by nature and full of wonder. In 2020, Emily earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication. During her undergraduate career, Emily produced a flood story of her family’s farm in 2019 that was played at the Nebraska State Fair. Emily will be the first Engler Entrepreneurship student to use an arts approach for her Applied Science graduate degree program.