May 29, 2020

Webinar to detail USDA coronavirus food assistance program for producers

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The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program will be the focus of a joint webinar produced by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Nebraska USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) this Thursday at noon (central).

Lincoln, Neb. —The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program will be the focus of a joint webinar produced by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Nebraska USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) this Thursday at noon (central).

The program provides direct financial assistance to agricultural producers to offset market supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19. It is being implemented by FSA, with county offices across Nebraska accepting applications through Aug. 28, 2020.

The webinar will present information on commodities covered under the program, payment rates and details on navigating the application process. It will be presented by Cathy Anderson, production and compliance programs chief with the Nebraska FSA. Additional analysis of the program’s impact on Nebraska will be provided by Brad Lubben, extension associate professor and policy specialist in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

This is part of series of weekly webinars examining COVID-19’s impact on agriculture in Nebraska that is produced by the Agricultural Economics Extension Farm and Ranch Management team.

The webinar will be held live on Zoom for approximately one hour, including time for questions from participants. Registration is open to everyone at Additional information, a schedule of other upcoming webinars and recordings of all sessions will be available there as well.