June 17, 2015

West Central Research and Extension Center to Hold Water and Crops Field Day

June 17, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — The West Central Research and Extension Center will be hosting a water and crops field day on June 23 in Grant.

The field day will give farmers and policy makers the opportunity to learn and see practices and cropping systems on a farm scale that maintain or increase crop production while conserving water. Participants will hear from Extension specialists and educators on water issues that may affect their operations. Topics will include information on cover crops, resistant kochia, residue management, pesticide applications, soil biodiversity and a tour of UNL, Westbred and Bayer Crops Science wheat varieties.

The field day will also feature the ribbon cutting of the Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center. The center will research, demonstrate and teach wheat based system practices that improve food production on dryland and limited irrigation fields. The center was funded by a $1 million and a section of land donation made by Marvin Stumpf in memory of his family.

There is no cost to attend the field day. Participants are asked to register by June 19 by contacting Phyllis Carney at 308-696-6740 or phillis.carney@unl.edu.

The West Central Research and Extension Center is a research and extension facility of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln.

Chuck Burr
West Central Research and Extension Center
