August 13, 2019
Lincoln, Neb. — Female agriculture landowners, farmers and ranchers looking to increase their business management skills are encouraged to register for the 2019 Women Managing Agricultural Land conference. The conference will be held Dec. 11 at Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2021 Transformation Drive in Lincoln.
The Women Managing Agricultural Land Conference will allow women to build relationships with each other, attend workshops and gain valuable knowledge. Three keynote speakers and 12 workshops will focus on helping Nebraska farmland owners and tenants navigate the challenges they face.
Participants will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts in land values, Nebraska property taxes, cash rental rates, and cultivating landlord tenant relationships. Jim Jansen, co-author of the Nebraska Farm Real Estate survey, will discuss trends in Nebraska land values. Mykel Taylor, Kansas State University, will share resources related to negotiations and communication between landowners and tenants. Cathy Anderson from the Nebraska USDA Farm Service Agency will discuss the 2018 Farm Bill and its implications for Nebraska agriculture.
Registration will open Nov. 1 and available online at wia.unl.edu. Registration is $45 per person. The registration fee includes conference materials, meals and breaks.
The conference is hosted by Nebraska Extension and is inspired by Annie’s Project. In Nebraska, Annie’s Project is supported by Farm Credit Services of America. For more information about the Women Managing Agriculture Land conference, go to wia.unl.edu.
Jessica GroskopfAssociate Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension