February 2, 2018
Lincoln, Neb. — Those looking to improve their understanding of agricultural production risks and crop insurance are encouraged to attend an upcoming crop insurance workshop hosted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. University experts, industry representatives and growers will lead the workshop scheduled for Feb. 26 at College Park, 3184 US-34 in Grand Island.
Crop insurance represents the cornerstone of risk management due to its ability to transfer large amounts of financial risk from producers to someone else. The workshop will provide guidance on how to select a crop insurance contract and how this decision interacts with other aspects of a farming operation.
“Understanding crop insurance can give producers a financial advantage,” said Cory Walters, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Nebraska. “Failure to understand how it works can leave producers financially stressed and at a financial disadvantage.”
Walters will kick off the event with an overview of crop insurance in Nebraska. He will also share results of recent crop insurance research conducted at the university. Since crop insurance is closely tied to weather, Eric Hunt, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. staff scientist, will have an outlook of the upcoming season and what it may mean for your operation. Crop insurance industry representatives will discuss crop insurance contracts, and a panel of Nebraska farmers will share how they manage risk with crop insurance.
“The goal of this workshop is to have a discussion on selecting the right crop insurance products for an individual’s unique situation,” said Walters.
The workshop will start at 8:45 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. Lunch is included in the registration.
The workshop cost is $35 before Feb. 20 and $40 afterward. To register, visit agecon.unl.edu/cropinsurance. Paper registration forms can be requested by calling Sandy Sterkel at 402-472-1742.
For questions regarding the workshop, contact Cory Walters at 402-472-0366 or cwalters7@unl.edu.
Cory WaltersAssistant Professor
Agricultural Economics