Lincoln, Neb. —Registration is open for a six-part webinar series titled “International Trade: Measuring and Managing Risk and Uncertainty,” hosted by the Clayton Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with support from the CME Group Foundation.
The series runs from Sept. 14 through Oct. 9. All webinars are free and open to the public.
Recent shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S.-China trade war and the collapse of the World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body, have resulted in new risks to supply chains, agricultural markets and the multilateral trading system. This series will examine how to interpret these risks and explore ways to manage them to move the system toward a better, more secure future.
Sessions will feature leading experts from industry and academia, including former trade negotiators and recent White House advisers.
“The speakers in this series are joining us from three continents, and all of them are on the leading edge of measuring risk or explaining trade policy because they have shaped it themselves at the highest levels of government,” said Jill O’Donnell, director of the Yeutter Institute. “This is a rare opportunity for Nebraskans and anyone interested in international trade to get an inside look at what is driving the prevailing trade challenges of our time.”
Stanford University economist Nicholas Bloom will open the series at noon CDT Sept. 14 with a keynote address titled “Uncertainty Shocks: Measuring the Implications for International Trade and Economic Growth.”
The full schedule is as follows:
Sept. 14: “Uncertainty Shocks: Measuring the Implications for International Trade and Economic Growth”
Sept. 16: “China’s Industrial Subsidies: What Can Be Done?”
Sept. 21 (tentative): “Managing Risk in Agricultural Trade”
Sept. 25: “The Special (Trade) Relationship: U.S.-U.K. Negotiations”
Sept. 29: “U.S. Trade Negotiations: Is the Phased Approach Here to Stay?”
Oct. 9: “WTO Dispute Settlement: Is There a Future for the Appellate Body?”
Webinar audience members will have the opportunity to submit questions. Advance registration for each webinar is required. All sessions will last 60 minutes. To view all events in this series and to register, click here.
The program is approved for five hours of Continuing Legal Education credit.
As events have moved online, this webinar series is an adaptation of the biennial CME Group Foundation Symposium of the Yeutter Institute.
The vision of Husker alumnus and renowned trade expert Clayton Yeutter, the Yeutter Institute connects academic disciplines related to law, policy, business and agriculture to prepare students for leadership roles in international trade and finance, support interdisciplinary research and increase public understanding of these issues.
To learn more about the institute, visit the website above.