Lincoln, Neb. —The University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2022 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center on July 19 featured knowledge and tools on improving nutrient management and water quality through research and demonstrations. 64 participants were in attendance including NRD staff, growers, crop consultants, Extension educators, graduate students, faculty, industry representatives and other clientele.
Nitrogen certification was also provided to farmers in the Lower Platte North Natural Resource District.
The 4Rs is a nutrient management and water stewardship approach that emphasizes fertilizer use with the right source, right rate, right time and right placement. This science-based approach focuses on the best nutrient management practices and sustainable crop production with increasing crop yield and farmer’s profit while protecting the environment.
Douglas Zalesky, ENREEC director and keynote speaker, welcomed the participants and shared the potential research and Extension opportunities at ENREEC.
The following topics were presented:
- Javed Iqbal, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture assistant professor and Extension soil nutrient management and water quality specialist, presented updated research on nitrogen source management, and nitrogen rate using publicly available nitrogen recommendation tools.
- Nathan Mueller, Nebraska Extension water and integrated cropping systems educator, shared research-based recommendations on sulfur management for improving corn and soybean yield.
- Guillermo Balboa, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture research assistant professor in cropping systems, shared Project SENSE on-farm research findings for improving nitrogen use efficiency of corn in Nebraska.
- Taylor Cross, Mechanized Systems Management graduate student, Kelsey Swantek, senior agricultural education major, and James Herrick, implement specialist at Sentinel Fertigation, demonstrated the use of fertigation technology for improving nitrogen use efficiency in corn.
- Iqbal, Mueller and Aaron Nygren, Nebraska Extension water and integrated cropping systems educator, demonstrated the use of enhanced efficiency fertilizers for protecting nitrogen and reducing nitrogen losses in corn.
The attendees completed a survey and acknowledged that the updated research-based information would help to improve nutrient management and add value to the grower’s farm.
Iqbal organized and led the 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day. Other contributors included Joe Luck, Biological Systems Engineering associate professor and ENREEC associate director, Nygren, Mueller, GIS Specialist Suresh Pradhyun Kashyap, postdoctoral fellow Swetabh Patel, event coordinator Connie Hansen, ag research technician Tyler Smith, ENREEC staff, and graduate students Keslie Swantek, Jackson Stansell, Taylor Cross and Jose Guilherme Pereyra Pinto.
For more information about 4Rs Nutrient Management, contact Javed Iqbal at javed.iqbal@unl.edu.