October 17, 2014

"AgriFuture 2014" Conference Oct. 28-30

Oct. 17, 2014

CURTIS, Neb. — Agriculture producers, students, agribusinesses and policy leaders are invited to the first "AgriFuture" conference in Nebraska on Oct. 28-30 in Kearney.

Students and faculty from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis, Neb., will be among participants in the multi-state event, said Paul Clark, NCTA agribusiness management systems professor and division chair.

NCTA joins University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, the Wyoming Department of Agriculture and others in coordinating the event at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney.  Jeremy Sievers of the NCTA agribusiness faculty is part of the 2014 AgriFuture host committee.

AgriFuture comes to the Cornhusker State after the first four sessions met in the Cowboy State where Wyoming Director of Agriculture Jason Fearneyhough launched the annual event. Over the years, it gained momentum with attendees from several states and Canada.

"We sought to bring together the experience and wisdom of agricultural producers, businesses and policymakers with the creative and innovative ideas and energy of our future generations in agriculture," said Fearneyhough.

The fall semester timing of the workshops works well for college students who are moving into the workforce or production enterprises upon graduation next spring, said Clark.

"In the past four years, the conference has enhanced communications, mentorships, student internships and job opportunities," Clark said.  Students have opportunities to network with producers, employers and agricultural companies, and to attend the trade show and job fair.

Participants will be drawn to national speakers, who include:

– Michael Scuse, under secretary for farm and foreign Agricultural Services at the U.S. Department of Agriculture

– Trent Loos, Loos Tales radio personality of and ag producer from Loup City, Neb.

– Andy Vance, agriculture journalist with Feedstuffs and entrepreneur from Ohio

Breakout sessions will feature agriculture awareness, natural resources, local/global agriculture, trends in agriculture, and financial resources presented by:

– Dee Griffin, DVM, Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center, Clay Center, Neb.

– Gary Lesoing,  UNL extension educator in Nemaha County and Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education representative for Nebraska

– Allen Vyhnalek, UNL extension educator, Platte County, Neb.

– Vaughn Hammond of Union Orchard, Union, Neb.

Conference pre-registrations are requested but will also be taken at the door.  Register at https://2014agrifutureconference.eventbrite.com. For more information, visit http://agriculture.wy.gov/directors-office/agrifuture.

Paul Clark
AgriBusiness Management Systems Division Chair and Professor
Mary Crawford
NCTA News Service