David Althouse, who recently retired as manager of the South Central Agricultural Laboratory at Clay Center, has been named a recipient of the 2014 Omtvedt Innovation Servant Leader Award.
In Althouse’s 30 years as farm manager, the lab has become a premier IANR irrigated research facility. In those three decades, the farm underwent several changes such as doubling the size from 320 to 640 acres with eight irrigation systems. When the South Central Research and Education Center became the agricultural lab that it is today, Althouse went from working with the district director to assuming substantially more responsibilities. These included making key decisions on land use, commodity sales and personnel management, with minimal input from the faculty coordinator. Always positive and dedicated, he often was on the tractor or combine evenings and weekends during key times of the year.
Wrote his nominator: “He cared for staff as if they were family, resulting in a positive, productive working environment. Faculty greatly appreciated attention to detail and care he invested in their research.”
Althouse will receive a plaque and cash award during an April 30, 2014, reception.