November 29, 2022

Alumni Spotlight: Jason Wentz

Jason Wentz

Meet Jason Wentz, a 2003 fish and wildlife biology graduate.

Graduation Date: 2003 

Major: Fish and Wildlife Biology  

What is your current position? 

I am a hatchery manager at Rifle Falls State Fish Hatchery.  

How did your time in CASNR shape your career path? 

CASNR helped me realize I wanted to work in fisheries.  

What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job? 

The most fulfilling aspect of my job is raising and stocking 4 million trout for kids and the public to catch each year.  

What activities were you involved in during your time at UNL? 

I was involved in the Wildlife Society and football.  

What is your best memory of your time in CASNR? 

My favorites memories during my time in CASNR were going on field trips for fisheries classes, being at the Cedar Point Biological Station and my classmates.  

How did CASNR prepare you for your life outside of work? 

CASNR prepared me for life outside of work by the hard work I put attending classes and learning to be prepared for anything. After taking my last final, I thought that would be my last test. When I began applying for jobs there was more than a job application to fill out. Some required taking tests and the highest ranking applicants would receive an interview. After being hired as a fish culturist, there were tests to obtain a CDL, safety tests and many others.  

What do you think IANR and CASNR contribute to Nebraska, the United States and the world? 

I would say CASNR and IANR contribute a lot of highly educated and hardworking people to the workforce. A lot of valuable research and technology are also contributed worldwide.  

What is your one piece of advice for current CASNR students? 

My advice would be to enjoy your time at CASNR because it goes by fast.