January 25, 2013

Broadband Webinar Jan. 16 to Focus on Cloud Computing Technology

Jan. 9, 2013

            LINCOLN, Neb. — Experts will give advice on how to manage the new cloud computing technology during a broadband webinar Jan. 16.

            The second of a new series of live seminars, this session  will offer information on the technology and uses of  cloud information storage and access, which are expanding rapidly. This webinar will help participants learn about the latest tools and how to benefit from them.

            A team of University of Nebraska-Lincoln experts and industry leaders will share their expertise on how cloud computing can impact small businesses. The presentation will be live and offer opportunities for questions and the experts' answers.

            Featured businesses will include FileBound, a cloud service provider. CIO Sean Nathaniel explains what the cloud is/how to use it in your business and what to look for when shopping for a service provider. Also, Tim Bryson, Healthmate Sauna regional sales manager and owner of Bryson's airboat tours, talks about the advantages of using cloud technologies in his businesses. Bryson says the improved efficiency of the cloud and his ROI has been very beneficial. 

            This new series is titled "Don't Know What I Don't Know." The webinar is scheduled at 10 a.m. Jan. 16 at connect.unl.edu/broadband.

            As is true of previous webinars in the series, this one will be archived at broadband.nebraska.gov. The Nebraska Broadband Project also is available on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/broadbandnebraska or on Twitter, @BroadbandNEBR.

            Upcoming webinars on Feb. 20 and March 20 will address the use of mobile technology and data security for businesses. Both will begin at 10 a.m. Central Time.

            This webinar series is part of a project funded by a grant to the Nebraska Public Service Commission by the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The Broadband Mapping and Planning Initiative has been conducted by a coalition of Nebraska partners, including the PSC, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, the UNL Center for Applied Rural Innovation, the Nebraska Information Technology Commission's Communication Council, the AIM Institute and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.

Connie Hancock
UNL Extension educator
Brandon Schulte
Educational Media
Dan Moser
IANR News Service