April 24, 2013

Cities, Colleges and Utilities Receive Forestry Awards

April 24, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — Cities, colleges and utilities were recognized for their work with tree resources at the annual Tree City USA Recognition Day held in Lincoln April 2.

The Nebraska Forest Service honors statewide efforts by cities, campuses and public utilities through annual awards in categories for Tree City, Tree Campus and Tree Line USA. Collectively, these communities invested more than $6.5 million in localized management efforts by planting 6,900 trees, pruning 22,000 trees and removing an additional 7,200 dead or dying trees.

Graham Herbst, community forestry specialist for eastern Nebraska, said, "We all know from personal experience that the loss of even one tree can make a huge difference. The 2012 award winners are aware of the importance of trees and working to make sure they carry forward for future generations."

Recipients of the 2012 Tree City USA award in eastern Nebraska are: Allen, Ashland, Atkinson, Auburn, Battle Creek, Beatrice, Bellevue, Bennington, Blair, Boys Town, Central City, Columbus, Cook, Creighton, Crete, Crofton, David City, Dodge, Doniphan, Fairbury, Falls City, Fremont, Friend, Grand Island, Gretna, Hartington, Hastings, Hickman, Humboldt, Julian, Kearney, La Vista, Laurel, Lincoln, Milford, Minden, Nebraska City, Neligh, Nelson, Nemaha, Norfolk, Odell, Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, O'Neill, Ord, Papillion, Pender, Pierce, Pilger, Plainview, Ralston, Red Cloud, Schuyler, Scribner, Seward, Shelton, South Sioux City, Stella, Stromsburg, Sutton, Tekamah, Valley, Waco, Wahoo, Wakefield, Wausa, Waverly, Wayne, Wisner, York and Yutan.

In eastern Nebraska, Blair and Friend have now received 30 years of Tree City USA awards. Tree City Growth awards, for practicing higher levels of tree management, were awarded to: Gretna, Hartington, Lincoln, Minden, Offutt Air Force Base, South Sioux City and Valley.

Recipients of the 2012 Tree City USA award in western Nebraska are:  Alliance, Arapahoe, Bassett, Bayard, Benkelman, Brady, Broken Bow, Cambridge, Chadron, Chappell, Cozad, Curtis, Farnam, Gering, Gothenburg, Grant, Holdrege, Imperial, Kimball, Lexington, McCook, Mitchell, Morrill, North Platte, Ogallala, Palisade, Paxton, Potter, Rushville, Scottsbluff, Sidney, Sutherland, Trenton, Wallace and Wauneta.

North Platte has now received 30 years of Tree City USA awards. Tree City Growth Awards, for practicing higher levels of tree management, were awarded to Brady, Chadron, Gering and McCook.

Seven college campuses received Tree Campus USA awards: Central Community College in Hastings, Creighton University, Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Nebraska Wesleyan University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Metro Community College received its first Tree Campus USA award.

Four public utilities were Tree Line USA recipients: Lincoln Electric System, Nebraska City Utilities, Nebraska Public Power District and Omaha Public Power District. Amy Seiler, community forestry specialist for western Nebraska, said, "These award winners truly understand the value of trees and how they positively impact their communities.  I applaud their great efforts in planting and caring for their community forest and look forward to enjoying the fruits of their labor for many years to come." 

For more information about tree-related awards, contact Eric Berg at 402-472-6511 or visit nfs.unl.edu.

Eric Berg
Associate Forester
Nebraska Forest Service
Karma Larsen
Communications Associate
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum/Nebraska Forest Service
Dan Moser
IANR News Service
