March 7, 2022

Faculty Spotlight: Amy Desaulniers

Amy Desaulniers

Meet Amy Desaulniers, assistant professor with a teaching and research appointment in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in the suburbs of St. Louis and have always loved animals. I earned my bachelor’s degree in animal science from the University of Missouri-Columbia where I developed a passion for teaching and research. I completed my graduate degrees (master’s and doctorate) in reproductive physiology within the Department of Animal Science here at UNL in 2018. I was an assistant professor at the University of Central Missouri for three years before returning to the Good Life to join the faculty within the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) in June 2021.

What is your position at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?

I am an assistant professor and have both a teaching and research appointment in the SVMBS. I team teach animal physiology to first-year veterinary students within the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine (PPVM). My research centers on elucidating the biology of male reproduction to improve fertility in agriculturally relevant animals and humans.

What drew you to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?

UNL is a very supportive community with the intellectual resources and infrastructure to make big things happen. My research aligns with the priorities of UNL to improve the efficiency of animal agriculture, a major economic driver in Nebraska.

What aspect of working in an educational setting do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy getting to know my students and sharing my passion for science. I love to learn and so being a professor is the perfect fit for me because I get to explore new topics and ideas every day. I also find mentoring students very rewarding. I had several outstanding mentors who helped me tremendously along my career path and so I strive to pay it forward.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Even four years later, I am very proud of earning my doctorate degree. It was a tough process but worth every minute. Personally, my greatest achievement is my family, especially my 3-year-old son.

What is something that most people don't know about you?

My son is a medical miracle. He was born three months early weighing only 1.5 lbs. Today he is healthy and thriving.

What is your life like outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and our two boxers. Lately most of my free time has been devoted to trying to keep up with my 3-year-old son.