Food Processing Center Ice Cream Contest for High School Sophomores, Juniors

East Campus pillars at enterance

Jan. 31, 2013

            LINCOLN, Neb. — Who hasn't stood in front of a grocery freezer or in line at a dairy store and thought, "Boy, do I have a great idea for an ice cream flavor"? Well, now's your chance to back up your sweet talking.

            The Food Processing Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is sponsoring a contest for Nebraska's high school sophomore and junior students to create a new ice cream flavor. Participants may use extracts, colors, sauces and purees alone or in combination.  Solid additions, such as chocolate chips, cookie pieces or nuts, are allowed, but not required.  Additions may be varied and multiple, but items with a high moisture content – fruit, for example – must be stabilized so they have a good texture.  Fruit can be stabilized by cooking in a sugar base. One swirl is allowed, but not required.  Making the flavor prior to recipe submission is not required; however, if you choose to do so, a base mix recipe is offered. All submissions will be assessed by a team of experts and only a limited number will be further developed by The Food Processing Center for evaluation.  Final product development will be performed by The Food Processing Center.  The winning recipe will become the sole property of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

            While considering ingredients, participants should keep in mind there will be financial restrictions to ready the recipe for commercial production.  Entries will be evaluated on the basis of uniqueness of concept, overall appeal and feasibility.  The current flavors should not be replicated; the Dairy Store website lists those flavors:

            Participants must provide a list of ingredients to be used in the recipe.  Those who use a "home-made" ingredient recipe should supply instructions on how to prepare the ingredients from scratch.

            Entry deadline is April 2, with the winner announced by April 30.  The winning student will be notified before public announcement, and will have the opportunity to visit UNL to participate in the final production run of the winning flavor.  The public will enjoy the award winning flavor at The Food Processing Center's 30th Year Anniversary Open House June 9. 

            At the open house, the student will be recognized and awarded a scholarship by Rolando Flores, director of The Food Processing Center.  The $1,500 scholarship is contingent on the student enrolling at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in a declared food science and technology major.  To learn more about the Department of Food Science and Technology, visit; to learn more about The Food Processing Center, visit

            Email or send your application and agreement form, along with your recipe as noted on the on the form.  If you have any questions, email or call Jonathan Hnosko ( at 402-472-2267 or Lori Byrne ( at 402-472-3991.

Lori Byrne
The Food Processing Center

Dan Moser
IANR News Service

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