March 18, 2014
LINCOLN, Neb. — Groundbreaking for the new Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Research Program is planned March 21.
The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. MT at the site, which is a half-mile northeast of Grant on County Road 328.
The program is funded by a gift of more than $3 million from Marvin H. Stumpf III of Grant to the University of Nebraska Foundation. The gift established the Stumpf Family Research and Development Fund to support agricultural research and university extension services. The contribution included a $1 million outright gift and a donation of 640 acres of land in Perkins County with an appraised market value of more than $2 million.
The new wheat facility that will be funded by the donation also will house the local University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension office. The facility is expected to be open by December.
Archie Clutter, dean of the Agricultural Research Division at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said the contribution will provide a significant boost to the university’s wheat and cropping systems research.
Marvin Stumpf made the donation to honor the legacy of his family, including his late wife, Pearl Stumpf, his grandparents, Henry J. and Margaret Stumpf, his parents Henry J. and Darlene Stumpf, and his wife's late husband, Sam Peterson.
Archie Clutter, Ph.D.Director
Agricultural Research Division
Dan Moser
IANR News Service
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