Lincoln, Neb. —Eric Knoll, an associate professor of practice in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s agricultural leadership, education and communications department, has been recognized as the Association for Career and Technical Education Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year during the Nebraska Career Education Conference held earlier this month.
ACTE and ACTEN member awards recognize excellence and dedication within the field of career and technical education among ACTE members. Recipients of these awards are exceptional individuals who have contributed to the success of career and technical education through the quality of their work and their involvement in the career and technical education community.
Knoll currently serves as associate professor of practice in charge of the skilled and technical sciences teaching option at UNL. This program allows students to gain 60 credits towards this bachelor’s degree program at a community college and combine those with 60 credit hours earned at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Eric serves as the advisor and coordinator for this unique teacher preparation program.
Knoll earned his bachelor's degree in industrial technology and his master's degree in vocational education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was the district curriculum specialist for the skilled and technical sciences program in the Lincoln Public School system for seven years. Additionally, he taught Industrial Technology for 24 years at Lincoln High School in Lincoln.
“A significant strength of Eric’s is his strong relationship and commitment with business and industry which aligns with the Quality CTE Program of Study Framework in the emphasis on Business and Community Partnerships and Work-based Learning,” a colleage wrote in Knoll’s nomination letter. “Eric has singlehandedly raised over $125,000 from local businesses and industries to support STS pre-service teacher scholarships and paid internships. In my 32-year career as a CTE teacher, teacher educator, and university administrator, I can think of no one else who embodies the passion for teaching and learning in the context of career and technical education combined with the vision of ‘CTE for All’ as much as Eric Knoll.”
ACTEN is the professional association for career and technical educators in Nebraska. Established in 1946, ACTEN has some 350 members across Nebraska including teachers, administrators, teacher educators, career counselors, teacher candidates, business partners and other professionals who support or advocate for career and technical education.ACTEN is affiliated with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), the national association for career and technical educators. ACTE is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers.