Master Gardener tips for the Panhandle – Week of July 25, 2022

by Laurie Zitterkopf, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

master gardener
July 22, 2022

Lincoln, Neb. —Ready, Set, Go to Fair. Share your flowers with our community, Flower Arrangements must include fresh flowers. Decorative inserts can be used. Containers will be considered in judging. Judging will be based on originality and artistic ability. Many options/themes to choose from, but why not try your hand a “All Those Sunflowers” for this years’ Scotts Bluff County Fair.  Entries are Tuesday, August 2nd 8:30am to 11:30am. See you at the Fair! 

Ready to show your flowers at the fair, General Guidelines for Round-Form Flowers; 

• Cut when fully developed as indicated by the outer petals folding out gracefully. At this stage, the center petals are tighter than the outer petals.

• Avoid exhibiting overly mature flowers.

• Pick roses when the bud is first starting to open; the flower will open throughout the day.

Visit the Scotts Bluff County Extension website for more information.

When preparing for fair, Plan to cut your flowers in the evening or early morning. Always cut the stem several inches longer than necessary to allow for later trimming. Use a clean, sharp knife to make a smooth, even cut. Remove any leaves on the stem that will be in water. Use Flower food to keep your flowers at their best longer.  Visit the Scotts Bluff County Extension website for more information.

Stop Playing with your Food! No wait, kids 12 and under, time to get creative at least with your vegetables. Scotts Bluff County Fair wants your most creative veggie. Use your imagination to create a dog, cat, sheep, monster or whatever using only vegetables, Biggest Vegetable, and or Ugliest Vegetable. Bring them Tuesday, August 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and enter them in the Scotts Bluff County Fair.

Looking for a way to give back to your community, Scotts Bluff County Fair needs your help, join us Friday, July 29 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to help setup the displays for 4-H and open class in the Events Center Building. Homemakers, Master Gardeners and 4-Hers all can use your help to make the Event Center look its best for fair. For more information, call the Scotts Bluff County Extension Office.

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