October 7, 2013

NCR-SARE Announces 2014 Farmer Rancher Grant Call for Proposals

Oct. 7, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — The 2014 North Central Region – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) Farmer Rancher Grant Call for Proposals is now available.

Farmers and ranchers in the North Central region are invited to submit grant proposals to explore sustainable agriculture solutions to problems on the farm or ranch.

Proposals should show how farmers and ranchers plan to use their own innovative ideas to explore sustainable agriculture options and how they will share project results. Sustainable agriculture is good for the environment, profitable, and socially responsible. Projects should emphasize research or education/demonstration.

SARE has awarded a total of 150 grants representing more than $5.3 million in Nebraska since 1988, including 65 Farmer Rancher grants. For example, farmers Keith and Brian Berns used their grant to research the effectiveness of using cover crops to boost corn yields on non-irrigated settings. The brothers are now known as local experts on the topic and have spoken at nearly 25 events.

There are three types of competitive grants: individual grants ($7,500 maximum), partner grants for two farmers/ranchers from separate operations who are working together ($15,000 maximum), and group grants for three or more farmers/ranchers from separate operations who are working together ($22,500 maximum).

NCR-SARE expects to fund about 45 projects in the twelve-state North Central Region with this call. A total of approximately $400,000 is available for this program.  To find out what some of the previously funded grants have been, go to the link:  http://www.northcentralsare.org/Project-Reports/Search-the-Database and search the data base for previously funded grants.

New this year, NCR-SARE will be accepting online submissions for the Farmer Rancher Grant Program. More information about the online submission system can be found in the call for proposals.

Interested applicants can find the call for proposals online as well as useful information for completing a proposal at http://www.northcentralsare.org/Grants/Types-of-Grants/Farmer-Rancher-Grant-Program. You can find more information about sustainable agriculture at http://www.sare.org/ or take a free National Continuing Education Program online course about the basic concepts at http://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Courses-and-Curricula.

Proposals are due Nov. 14 at 4 p.m. CST.

Potential applicants with questions can contact Joan Benjamin, Associate Regional Coordinator and Farmer Rancher Grant Program Coordinator, at benjaminj@lincolnu.edu or 573-681-5545 or 800-529-1342.

Applicants should also contact Joan Benjamin if they need a hard copy or an email version of the call for proposals. We make revisions to our calls for proposals each year, which means it is crucial to use the most recent call for proposals.

Interested applicants in Nebraska can contact SARE state coordinator Gary Lesoing at 402-274-4755 or by email at glesoing2@unl.edu.  He can provide information and assistance to potential grant applicants.

Gary Lesoing
Extension Educator
Nebraska State SARE Coordinator
UNL Extension
Nemaha County
Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service