Lincoln, Neb. —Nebraska 4-H is now accepting nominations for a new awards program to recognize the outstanding contributions of 4-H volunteers across the state.
The Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Recognition Awards honors adult and youth volunteers, as well as and multi-generational families, who have provided meaningful contributions to Nebraska 4-H. One Outstanding Adult Volunteer Award and One Emerging Adult Volunteer Award winner will be chosen for each of the state’s 11 Nebraska Extension Engagement Zones. One statewide winner will be named in each of the youth volunteer and multi-generational family categories.
“Our 4-H volunteers go above and beyond to serve Nebraska’s youth every year,” said Jill Goedeken, 4-H Youth Development Extension educator.
“This volunteer recognition opportunity debuted in 2021 and we were thrilled at the number of outstanding 4-H volunteers nominated statewide. We are looking forward to another opportunity to recognize 4-H volunteers for their contributions to youth in Nebraska.”
The nomination period runs through March 15. Nominations can be submitted by any 4-H member, family, supporter, or Extension staff member. Nominees must fit the award categories and can be a volunteer for any Nebraska 4-H experience. Some examples may include 4-H club leader, project leader, junior leader, county or State Fair volunteer, special interest volunteers, such as robotics or shooting sports, afterschool club volunteer or 4-H camp volunteer.
More information, along with the nomination form, is available online at
Winners will be announced virtually the week of April 21, 2023 in which Nebraska 4-H will be celebrating the Week of the Volunteer. A special awards presentation will take place at the 2023 Nebraska State Fair.
For more information, visit