Lincoln, Neb. —Farmers are tasked with finding the best agronomic practices that work for their operations. In spite of the challenges that weather, markets, and the current pandemic present, on-farm research can play an important role from an economical and environmental standpoint, even in the most challenging years. As tractors will be hitting the fields soon, now is the time to make plans that will impact operations throughout the growing season. On-farm research provides producers with the opportunity to address critical production, profitability, and natural resources questions.
Farmers participating in the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network conducted nearly 90 on-farm research studies in 2020, covering a wide range of topics. Practices such as cover crops, row spacing, planting population, starter fertilizer, and more were evaluated, as well as technologies such as drones, sensors, and models for nitrogen management and variable-rate seeding technology.
You can access these research results and benefit from the research conducted by farmers across the state by downloading a PDF copy of the 2020 on-farm research results. New this year, the online results book features enhanced content such as links to short videos about selected studies.
“Throughout the growing season, we recorded and produced short videos about ongoing studies so people could see how studies were progressing in the field,” said Laura Thompson, Nebraska Extension Educator. “This year, as people flip through the result book, they will be able to watch these videos and then read the report to see the results of the project.”
In addition to the PDF book, the Results Finder online tool, produced by the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network, allows users to easily access and search for results of over 800 on-farm research studies dating back to 1990. The book and Results Finder are available at: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch/resultshome
“Our goal is to provide reliable research that farmers and agronomists can use to make informed management decisions,” Thompson said. “On-farm research is a great way to generate local and relevant agronomic information. We are excited to continue partnering with producers to conduct on-farm research in 2021.”
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is open to farmers across the state and welcomes new participants. Conducting on-farm research is a great way to address questions related to the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of your operation. Nebraska Extension educators can provide technical expertise to set up robust research studies and analyze and evaluate research results. New research projects are being posted online at https://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch/extensionprotocols or custom protocols can be developed to address questions that are relevant to your operation.
To get involved with on-farm research, contact a member of the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network.
The on-farm research network is a collaborative partnership that includes Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff, and the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission.