July 29, 2015

Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days at 4 Sites in August

July 29, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — The 17th annual Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 11-14 focuses on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting right here in Nebraska. The event consists of four stops across the state.

"Soybean Management Field Days are an excellent opportunity to access unbiased research that addresses many of today's potential soybean production and management decisions,” said Ron Pavelka, chairman of the Nebraska Soybean Board of Directors. By participating in the Soybean Management Field Days, producers will see their checkoff dollars at work bringing leading technology and ideas to producers.

Topics include grain marketing and farm financial outlook; soil fertility concepts for soybeans; the role of water quality and nozzle selection in weed management; integrated soybean production study; soybean irrigation management; and Nebraska Soybean Checkoff investment.

Agronomists, plant disease, and insect specialists will be available to address production-related questions. Participants can bring unknown crop problems for complimentary identification:

  • Aug. 11: Rick and Chuck Bergman farm near Holdrege, 11289 741 Road.
  • Aug. 12: Jason and Dennis Bonsack Farm near Alda, 3770 S 90th Road.
  • Aug. 13: Mike Anderson farm near Wakefield, 85335 586th Ave.
  • Aug. 14: Kent Moravec farm near Greenwood, 23509 E Rock Creek Road.

The field days are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board in partnership with Nebraska Extension and are funded through soybean checkoff dollars. For more information, including maps and directions to the sites, visit http://ardc.unl.edu/soydays or contact Nebraska Extension at 1-800-529-8030.

Keith Glewen
Nebraska Extension
