February 1, 2022

The People’s College

Student meeting with advisor

Lincoln, Neb. —The College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is known as "The People's College." We are dedicated to enhancing the lives of indivuals, families, school and communities and strengthening the relationships among them. The idea that every person and every interaction matters is central to our mission.

Our college has a long history of enhancing lives and strengthening relationships. In fact, programming in education and human sciences has a 100+ year history at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Our expertise spans early childhood and human development, teaching and teacher education, school leadership, health and wellness, family and consumer sciences, sustainability, and innovative entrepreneurship. The university’s land-grant mission means that our learning and discovery in these areas is directly extended to Nebraskans.

At a time when our families, neighbors, teachers, health-care workers, and local businesses need more help than ever before, the college is stepping up. Guided by the formation of a new strategic plan, in 2022 CEHS has prioritized helping young children thrive, increasing access to health and wellness services, and fostering strong communities.

Thriving Young Children. CEHS envisions that every young child will be ready to thrive by the time they reach kindergarten. And, by age 8, every young child will be on a positive trajectory to achieve their maximum potential. Professional development for early childcare and education professionals is one avenue to help our young children grow. In 2021, our early childhood experts in Nebraska Extension reached 117,987 caregivers (parents and educators) of young children, with both online and in-person programming and professional development.

Comprehensive Health and Well-Being. CEHS is working to ensure that every person has access to research-based, culturally relevant, leading-edge health and wellness resources, expertise, and services. Student clinicians in health and well-being clinics in the college served 1,242 clients in 2021. Clients were seen in-person or virtually for help with anxiety, depression, aphasia, autism, memory loss, hearing loss and more. Mental health care services are available via tele-mental health in Albion, Red Cloud and Superior. Tele-practice for infant hearing assessment is available in North Platte, Ogallala, Chadron, Sidney and Scottsbluff. Our network of partners across the state makes hearing aid devices available to all ages in every community.

Strong Communities.  We believe that every community should have access to strong, vibrant, and culturally responsive schools and businesses. Strong schools need strong leaders prepared to meet and serve the diversity of the state and nation as well as high-quality, innovative, culturally sustaining teachers and other professionals. CEHS is filling Nebraska’s teacher pipeline with effective and confident classroom leaders. Each of the past five years, CEHS has graduated about 250 new teachers prepared to fill positions in Nebraska schools. We consistently have over 1,000 undergraduates at various stages of completing their pre-service teacher training. We continue to collaborate with schools and other groups within Nebraska’s education system to find innovative solutions to address the state’s teacher  and school administrator shortage.

The college is laser focused on the development and delivery of more innovative programming that will help all people in Nebraska achieve their maximum potential, enjoy optimum health and well-being throughout their lifespan, and contribute to their communities in meaningful and productive ways. While we plan for the future, we have simultaneously committed ourselves to ensuring that every person has access to all that our college has to offer.

Thriving young children. Comprehensive health and well-being. Strong communities.

Guided by these grand visions, Nebraskans should know that the College of Education and Human Sciences – The People’s College – is working diligently to address the complex issues encountered by our children, youth, adults, families, schools and communities.

To learn more about our work in Nebraska and beyond, visit cehs.unl.edu.

Sherri Jones | Dean, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln