April 21, 2017
Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska Extension and the Department of Entomology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln are offering a “BugMasters” volunteer program training for adults interested in learning more about insects. BugMasters will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on July 12-13 at the Nebraska East Union on East Campus.
This two-day training camp will cover topics such as insect basics, pollinators, pests and how to teach insect programs. After the training, participants will be prepared to conduct outreach programs in collaboration with the university for various audiences as part of one or more teams: educating youth through outreach, protecting pollinators, Emerald Ash Borer education and bed bug mythbusters.
“Entomology outreach will help garner interest in insects as well as keep Nebraskans informed about emerging pest issues that may affect them,” said Erin Bauer, an entomology lecturer and BugMasters instructor.
The registration fee of $35 must be paid prior to the event. Space is limited. To register, send name (s), address, phone number, email and the class fee to Jerri Cunningham, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68583-0816. Registration is required by June 19.
Registration includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon refreshments. Daily park permits can be purchased for $6 prior to July 1 and $7 thereafter. Park permits can be purchased at https://unlpts.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal.
For more information, contact Bauer at 402-472-9548 or ebauer2@unl.edu.
Erin BauerLecturer
Department of Entomology