Lincoln, Neb. —The Nebraska Land Link program is excited to announce its first successful match. The Nebraska Land Link is a service to help Landowners find new or beginning farmers and ranchers, called “Land Seekers”, in their community to rent, sell, or transfer their land to.
“The Nebraska Land Link had a match in the panhandle this spring. A farm family was looking to start a land seeker on their operation in hopes that someday they could take it over,” said Allan Vyhnalek, Nebraska Extension educator, farm & ranch succession. “That land seeker will start as hired help, moving into taking over the rented ground as they build their skills and knowledge of the operation. That is exactly what we hope happens with the Land Link Program.
Access to land continues to be one of the most difficult challenges facing new farmers and ranchers. The Land Link program allows land seekers and landowners to connect and develop an arrangement that will be mutually beneficial to each of them.
Interested land seekers or landowners should apply by visiting cap.unl.edu/landlink. Nebraska Extension personnel will work to match applicants with the most compatible counterpart. They will also guide participants through the process of finding a match and provide educational resources along the way.
Nebraska Land Link is a project of Nebraska Extension’s Farm and Ranch Succession and Transition program and Nebraska Women in Agriculture.