August 8, 2013

UNL Extension Has Water Conservation Materials Available

Aug. 8, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — Many Nebraska communities have instituted water restrictions again this summer after one of the worst droughts in the state's history in 2012. Even where restrictions haven't been imposed, Nebraskans are being encouraged to conserve water whenever possible as drought conditions persist in many parts of the state.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln experts have gathered some resources to help Nebraskans conserve water, at

As of July 19, 11 Nebraska communities began restricting water.  Mark Kuzila, director of UNL's Conservation and Survey Division, pointed out that in the case of a multi-year drought, water level drawdowns that may have occurred in an aquifer during the first summer may still exist to some extent at the start of the next summer. He cautioned that, when this situation occurs, the aquifer has less water in storage than normal, and wells that were unaffected the first summer of the drought may experience water supply difficulties in subsequent years of the drought.

 This website contains ready-to-use information including three newly revised "Make Every Drop Count" publications, new "Water Wise" NebGuides, concise water-wise news articles, water-wise audio recordings, and a 100-Gallon Challenge. The website will be updated regularly with timely news articles, additional audio recordings, and additional "Water Wise" NebGuides as they are prepared over the summer.

"In short, this site is a 'one stop shop' for information on wise water use in and around the home," said Sarah Browning, UNL Extension educator, horticulture.

Sarah Browning
UNL Extension Educator
Dan Moser
IANR News Service
