UNL Food Processing Center Sets Extrusion Workshop for Food Industry

East Campus pillars at enterance

Sept. 9, 2014

LINCOLN, Neb. — Take a trip to any grocery store and you will see entire aisles dedicated to extruded products such as cereals, snacks, pastas, pet foods and pet treats.  These products account for billions of dollars in annual sales worldwide.  The Food Processing Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will present an Extrusion Workshop specifically designed for the food industry May 19-21, 2015.

"The three-day extrusion workshop is an introductory, hands-on workshop combining extrusion theory and techniques with pilot plant exercises emphasizing real-world product development in a variety of food categories. The workshop combines lectures and pilot plant demonstrations which allows attendees to learn, actively participate and observe extrusion equipment in operation," explained Steve Weier, Food Processing Center general pilot plant manager.

Wenger Manufacturing, of Sabetha, Kan., is a leading manufacturer of extrusion equipment.  Maldari & Sons, a New York based company, is a prominent manufacturer of extrusion dies for the pasta, cereal, snack and animal food industries.  The XIM Group, also of Sabetha, specializes in process and design engineering for the food industry.  Experts from these companies and the UNL Department of Food Science and Food Processing Center will present lectures and interactive sessions to workshop participants. 

UNL is one of only a few universities that offer extrusion technology to the food industry and it is anticipated that food industry professionals from throughout the country will attend this workshop.

The Food Processing Center is nationally recognized for its support of the food industry. The center, created in 1983, provides comprehensive services to food manufacturers throughout the country and in many foreign countries.

Early registration for the workshop is encouraged due to limited space. For more information contact: Jill Gifford, Food Processing Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 143 H.C. Filley Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0928, phone 402-472-2819, email: jgifford1@unl.edu, or visit the website: fpc.unl.edu/training.

Jill Gifford
Food Processing Center

Dan Moser
IANR News Service

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