January 14, 2014

UNL Program to Focus on Managing Cropping Challenges

Jan. 14, 2014

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Northeast Research and Extension Crops Team is hosting upcoming programs designed to help local producers with challenges they are encountering with crop production.
The day-long programs will be Jan. 28-31 in various locations throughout northeast Nebraska.

The programs aim to teach growers about resistance management, irrigation management, soil fertility issues and agriculture policy updates. Participants can also recertify their private pesticide applicators license.

All programs begin at 8:50 a.m. and end at 3 p.m.

Dates and locations are:

Jan. 28, Ord, Valley County Fairgrounds

Jan. 29, Neligh, Antelope County Fairgrounds

Jan 30, Ainsworth, Community Center

Jan. 31, South Sioux City, Goodwill Campground

At Ord, Neligh and Ainsworth, participants will hear a lecture called "Ensuring Efficient Center Pivot Management."

At South Sioux City, the lecture presented will be "The Role of Soil Health in Profitable Crop Production."

This is the first year that NEREC Crops Team has offered this program.

The cost is $45 with private pesticide training and $20 without. Lunch will be provided.

Preregistration is not required but it is appreciated. To preregister, call 402-336-2760.

Amy (Ziems) Timmerman
Extension Educator
Holt/Boyd County

Heather Haskins
Student Writer

Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service
