Feb. 25, 2014
LINCOLN, Neb. — Each year University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension specialists are asked questions regarding farmland rental rates.
Now, a new UNL Extension app can provide some answers.
Land Lease Calculator is designed to assist producers in collecting information to help determine what might be charged for agricultural land leases, said Wayne Ohnesorg, extension educator in Madison County.
Users enter data into the app and it produces an estimated cost for the lease.
The app is available for $1.99 in the Apple iTunes Store as well as on Google Play.
The app helps landowners estimate how much their land is worth.
"It also works very well for those who are looking to rent land because it gives them an idea of how much they might be willing to pay," said Ohnesorg.
He said that ultimately, it is up to the landlord and tenant to decide on an appropriate leasing price.
"The app is a tool to give them a starting point," Ohnesorg said.
The app is funded by the Nebraska Soybean Board.
It is now available at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/land-lease-calculator/id791573086?mt=8.
Wayne OhnesorgExtension Educator
Madison County
Heather Haskins
Student Writer
Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service