Lincoln, Neb. —DWFI is playing a key role in organizing the upcoming 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, May 18-25, 2024, and ensuring that water for food is a key focus throughout the event.
The Forum is held every three years by the World Water Council (WWC) and a hosting country. It brings together stakeholders from around the globe – including heads of state and international organizations, high level government officials, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and economists – to share their knowledge, experience and practices regarding a wide range of topics related to water.
The WWC’s overarching mission is to gather the international community to convey to decision-makers that water is a political priority for the sustainable and equitable development of the planet. DWFI is a member organization of the WWC and DWFI Executive Director Peter McCornick is serving his second three-year term as one of 35 members of the WWC Board of Governors, with DWFI Director of Research Christopher Neale as an alternate.
In addition to his role on the WWC, McCornick serves on the 10-person International Steering Committee (ISC) Bureau, helping to plan the World Water Forum at a high level. Neale is lead for the “Water for Food & Agriculture'' coordination group, topic coordinator for the “Water Security & Prosperity” sub-theme and co-coordinator of the “Americas” regional process. Other DWFI colleagues are co-convening several related sessions and DWFI is partnering with the Nature Conservancy and other organizations to host a large Nature Hub Exhibition Booth.