August 19, 2013

Grassland Studies Schedules Fall Seminar Series

Aug. 19, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — The 19th annual fall seminar series offered by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Center for Grassland Studies will include lectures on topics ranging from use of crop residues in beef production systems and what we are learning from the 2012 Niobrara fire to turf care during the 2013 U.S. Senior Open Championship and greenhouse gas emissions from managed grasslands.

The seminars, which may be taken for academic credit and are also free and open to the public, are held most Mondays during the fall semester from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Nebraska East Union (see kiosks for location).

The series features Anthony Joern, this year's Frank and Margaret Leu distinguished lecturer. Joern, formerly with the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is a distinguished professor in the Division of Biology and also co-director of the Institute for Grassland Studies at Kansas State University. He will address the impacts of fire, grazing and climate interactions on tallgrass prairie.

"We are delighted to have Dr. Joern, a well known and highly respected grassland ecologist, return to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a visiting lecturer," said Martin Massengale, director of the center and instructor of the seminar course. "While a faculty member at UNL, he was one of the professors who initially supported the formation and development of the Center for Grassland Studies."

Below is the complete schedule for the seminar course:

Aug. 26 – M.A. Massengale, director, Center for Grassland Studies, UNL, "Introduction and Orientation" (for students only)

Sept. 2 – No seminar (Labor Day Holiday)

Sep. 9 – Virginia Jin, research soil scientist, USDA‑Agricultural Research Service, "Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Managed Grasslands in Eastern Nebraska"

Sep. 16 – Jerry Volesky, professor, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, West Central Research and Extension Center, UNL, "Annual Forages to Complement Grazing Programs"

Sep. 23 – Kristofer Johnson, Nebraska Audubon, "Tallgrass Prairie: Community, Connection, Conservation"

Sep. 30 – Walter Schacht, professor, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL, "Livestock Grazing in Turkey: Was It Sustainable until the Last Century?"

Oct. 7* – Anthony Joern, university distinguished professor of biology and co‑director, Institute of Grassland Studies, Kansas State University, "Variable Fire, Grazing and Climate Interactions Promote Habitat Heterogeneity and Biodiversity in Tallgrass Prairie"

Oct. 14 – Jim MacDonald, associate professor, Department of Animal Science, UNL, "Sustainable Beef Production Depends on Sustainable Use of Crop Residues"

Oct. 21 – No seminar (Fall Break)

Oct. 28 – Zac Reicher, professor, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL, "Turf Care during the USGA Senior Open at Omaha Country Club"

Nov. 4 – No seminar (Professional Meetings)

Nov. 11 – Steve Knox, secretary/manager, Nebraska Crop Improvement Association, "Why Certified Seed?"

Nov. 18 – David Wedin, professor, School of Natural Resources, UNL & 2013 UNL/TNC/NET Summer Interns, "Learning from the 2012 Niobrara Fire"

Nov. 25 – Crystal Ramm, graduate student, Department of Entomology, UNL, "Buffalograss Defense Response to Blissus Occiduus Feeding, Chinch Bug Salivary Gland Morphology, and the Role of Saliva in Mediating Plant‑Insect Interactions"

Dec. 2 – Richard Straight, technology transfer lead, USDA National Agroforestry Center, "Silvopastures: A Cause of Range Wars or Peace in the Valley"

Dec. 9 – Pete Berthelsen, director of habitat partnerships, Pheasants Forever Inc., and Quail Forever, "Importance of Pollinator Habitat and How it Fits in a Grassland Ecosystem."

Videos of the seminars will be available for checkout from the center. For more information, contact the Center for Grassland Studies at 402-472-4101, email, or visit

The schedule is subject to revision. Any changes will be noted on the center's web site.

Martin Massengale, Ph.D.
Center for Grassland Studies
Pam Murray
Administrative Coordinator
Center for Grassland Studies
Dan Moser
IANR News Service
