December 16, 2013

Jan. 9 Fremont Corn Expo Offers Ideas and Strategies to Remain Competitive

Dec. 16, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Fremont Corn Expo Jan. 9 will help farmers and agribusiness professionals plan for the upcoming growing season. Topics and exhibits are aimed at providing growers with strategies to remain competitive in the corn industry.

Registration for the free event begins at 8 a.m. with a complimentary waffle breakfast sponsored by Fremont Area Chamber Agribusiness Council and a chance to view exhibits.

The expo, from 8:50 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the main arena at Christensen Field in Fremont, is designed for growers, crop consultants, agronomists, seed corn representatives and others looking to improve corn production, marketing and utilization. A complimentary lunch will be served to expo participants courtesy of Dodge County Farm Bureau.

The expo highlights topics identified by corn growers as important to their farming operations. Featured speaker Sue Martin of Webster City, Iowa is the president and owner of Ag and Investment Services Inc. In addition to her popular recurring appearances on Market To Market, Martin delivers daily commentary and analysis to a variety of radio networks and on the Internet. Her presentation focuses on "2013; Will the Pieces Fit?"  Martin's presentation is sponsored by Frontier Co-Op.

Other program topics include: Is There a Place on Your Farm for Early Maturing Hybrids?, Tom Hoegemeyer, professor of practice, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; Did You Know a Customer for Your Corn Could be Leaving the State!, Willow Holoubek, executive director, Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska -  A-FAN; Are We Losing the Battle to Corn Rootworm Genetic Resistance?, Tom Hunt, UNL Extension entomologist.

The expo also will include an update on the Nebraska Corn Checkoff, association, and industry updates.

A special nitrogen applicator certification training will be conducted for Lower Platte North Natural Resources District producer at 2:30 p.m.
For more information contact UNL Extension Educators Keith Glewen at 402-624-8030 or or Aaron Nygren at 402-352-3821 or

The Fremont Corn Expo is sponsored by UNL Extension, Colfax-Dodge County Corn Growers, Nebraska Corn Growers Association, Nebraska Corn Board, Fremont Area Chamber Agricultural Business Council, Dodge County Farm Bureau, Frontier Co-Op and area agribusinesses.

Keith Glewen
Extension Educator
UNL Extension
Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service
