March 28, 2017

Student Spotlight: Lauren Stohlmann


Lauren Stohlmann

Hometown? Louisville, Nebraska 

Major? Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication 

Anticipated date of graduation? May 6, 2017  

Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska? UNL was the only school that I applied to when I was a senior in high school, five years ago. I always knew it's where I wanted to earn an undergraduate degree. From the moment that I visited the campus, I knew it was a perfect fit. It felt homey and I knew it was a place I could grow both as a professional and personally. I was definitely right. 

Additionally, both of my parents earned their bachelor's degree from the university and obviously simply being able to say that I was a Cornhusker played a big factor too. Who wouldn't want to be a Husker? 

What is your favorite thing about the university? The people. For sure. I have formed so many fantastic relationships here at the university that I couldn't have gained elsewhere. I have mentors that I know I can reach out to any time I need them, I have countless friends that are scattered across the state as well as across the U.S. that I didn't even know existed before August 2012. 

UNL is unique in that Nebraska is such a wholesome place and the people and the university reflect that. Everyone is genuine, kind and willing to lend a hand. The university pushes you to become the greatest version of yourself and will do anything it can to help you get there. 

My Dad always says that East Campus has the best people because ag people are the best people. I've found that to be true every single day. All throughout the university, everyone is proud to be a Husker and they show it in everything they do. 

I can't thank UNL and the incredible people here enough for helping me to become the person I am today and will continue to strive to be. 

What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why? I can honestly say that I do not have one favorite class. There are aspects throughout all of them that could have each of them in the running for the title of "favorite". 

I loved ALEC 207, Communicating to Public Audiences, for helping me to analyze a company from a communication standpoint and to create a plan that I use in my portfolio. ALEC 305, Presentation Strategies, was great because I have a huge appreciation and a knack for public speaking. The ALEC mobile video class helped me to learn how to create a stimulating video to teach middle schoolers about agriculture and that's something I am very passionate about. Having the internship class requirement changed my life completely because I was able to put my knowledge of agricultural communications to use in a "real world" setting while making personal and professional relationships with people that I wouldn't have otherwise. The United Kingdom study abroad class is another that affected me greatly. I stepped out of my comfort zone, traveled to a country without knowing anyone prior and I came back with a knowledge of international agriculture and several friends who are now some of the best friends that I have in my life still today. 

As you can see, picking one is virtually impossible. Bravo UNL. 

What are your plans post-graduation? I am currently in the difficult process of deciding where I will go for graduate school. Wherever I go, my plan is to study agricultural communication with a focus in agricultural extension. I want to be able to give back to the great state of Nebraska and do my part to help move agriculture in the direction that it needs to be. Specifically, I'd really like to be involved with youth and teach them about agriculture because they're our future.

What’s life like outside of school? I am involved with the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) and Sigma Alpha. I am currently the president of ACT and I was the public relations chair for two years in Sigma. I have two part-time jobs as a bank teller and as the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication Student Ambassador. 

Outside of that, I drink a lot of coffee, I craft frequently, I research corny jokes and puns, I spend way too much money attending country music concerts, I love being with my friends, I love helping my Dad out on the farm; my favorite job being grain cart operator during harvest and the best aspect of my life is being an older sister and supporting my younger brother and sister any way I can; most of the time that means getting "bleacher butt" at what feels like an endless list of sporting events.

And finally, a fun fact. Sunday is my favorite day of the week because that's the day of the week that I go home to our farm to spend time with my family and my blue heeler, Bandit. I'm a big fan of all of them. It's the best way to start out my week.